Studies and Explorations
The main projects of the SPE are:
TNC1 – National Registration of Caves
TNC2 – Speleometry and Speleogenesis of the Deepest Portuguese Caves
TNC3 – Speleometry and Speleogenesis of the Longest Portuguese Caves
TNC4 – Speleometry and Speleogenesis of the Biggest Underground Voids in Portugal
TNC5 – Active and Fossil Phreatic Portuguese Caves
PMS1 – S. Mamede Plateau West Slope Prospection Updating
PMS2 – Geology and Geomorfology of Almonda Spring Cave
PMS3 – The Fault Passage in Moinhos Velhos Cave
PSA1 – Speleological Study of Vila Moreira Spring Recharge Area
PSA2 – Digging in Vila Moreira Spring
PSA3 – Speleological Study of the Northern Part of Santo Antonio Plateau
PSA4 – Cova da Velha Cave.
PAV1 – Caves of Alvados Polje.
PMD1 – Regatinho Cave
PMD2 – Digging Minde Polje Swallow Holes