Admission to Membership
After filling in and signing, the form should be sent, together with photo and payment to the address of The Portuguese Speleological Society.
For persons under age 18, a parental authorization is required.
Download the Admission form (pdf) here
Deontological Code
Caves are amongst the last unaltered places in Nature, constituting authentic natural reserves. Thus, cavers and speleologists must assure the maintenance of caves original conditions, avoiding unnecessary alteration.
Do not remove from caves any speleothem, archaeological remain, geological sample or biological specimen if they aren’t intended for a previously and correctly planned study, whose conclusion is guaranteed. (Private “museums” are nothing but a way of promotion of their “owners”, at the expense of Nature’s depredation. A great number of “studies”, in name of which caves are despoiled of their scientific evidences, are the cover for irretrievable devastations.)
Do not disturb the evidence of episodes of cave’s history: don’t make excavations and don’t take out of their position speleothems naturally broken. (Only experts can adequately carry out excavations; the position of speleothems moved away from their primitive placement by natural causes is of scientific interest only if not modified.)